September 23, 2023
by Cindy Costanzo
Creighton University's College of Nursing
click here for photo and information about the writer

Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest
Lectionary: 448

1 Timothy 6:13-16
Psalm 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5
Luke 8:4-15

Praying Ordinary Time

Pope Francis on his visit to the grave of Padre Pio on his 50th anniversary

Rediscovering Corporal Works of Mercy

My reflection of this scripture today focuses on the importance of Jesus parables in our lives. Parables or stories used to teach are an effective means of communication and provide an opportunity to reflect on what it means for us in today’s world with our unique experiences. Jesus spent time with diverse groups of people including Pharisees, apostles, farmers, and men and women, many whom he did not know. Jesus wanted to communicate effectively to share his messages of the Kingdom of God. Parables and role modeling were two effective methods Jesus used to teach 2000 years ago and remain effective today. In the time of Jesus individuals may not have had the ability to read or write so stories were key in communicating the meaning of something important. Again, today because of the diversity within our society this is an effective means to share a meaningful story.   

 The Parable of the Sower appears in the New Testament in the following Gospels Mark 4:1-20; Matthew 13:1-23; and Luke 8: 4-15 as well as the extra-canonical Gospel of Thomas. Each author of these respective Gospels found this parable important enough to write about for all who would read in the present as well as in the future. Agricultural parables were often used because of the time Jesus lived. Individuals understood planting and what happened when a seed that was planted was cared for and tended properly. This continues to be effective today as most of us are familiar with caring for “seeds” of some kind.  

Jesus challenges us to reflect and open our hearts and mind to his message in the Parable of the Sower. What does this parable mean to you, your soul, your family’s souls? As I reflect, I am especially attentive today to the care of my soul and my family’s soul. Is my soul receptive to self-love and love for others? Am I living to my internal values? Is my soul able to nurture others…promote healthy family relationships? Provide support for others in need? Do I give my body, mind and soul enough sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet? Do I engage in risky behaviors to relieve my stress/burdens, toxic behaviors, or am I able to resist these risky behaviors and seek healthy avenues of release? In all of this…what is my ability to seek out Jesus and ask for support in all my needs and my family needs? Reflecting on this parable today reminds me that I must care for my soul to give to others, especially my family and neighbors and allow the ‘seeds’ that are planted to grow. In turn, I can give back and love others as God intended.  

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Costanzo, Cindy L. <>

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