Daily Reflection October 15, 2020 |
Praying Ordinary Time |
This one prayer of St. Teresa of Jesus, also know as St. Teresa of Avila, for me sums up the profound faith and knowledge of God she attained in her lifetime. God’s fidelity!
St. Teresa speaks to her soul. “Be joyful, my soul… Don’t let any earthly thing be enough to separate you from your delight, and rejoice in the grandeur of God; in how He deserves to be loved and praised; that He helps you to play some small role in the blessing of His name; and that you can truthfully say; My soul magnifies and praises the Lord! How profound or deep might our desired union with Christ be? Do I speak to my soul? St. Paul in this Letter to the Ephesians expresses “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens”! It is his own Magnificat of experiencing profoundly his gratitude of the knowledge and union with Christ that was his to proclaim. In love through Christ, Paul tells us, we are adopted by God through Christ! All praise and glory! Take a moment to take that in! Jesus, to whom we give praise and glory, a prophet in his own time has grown bolder as we find him in conversation with the Pharisee’s and Scribes. “Woe to you…” He has definitely gotten under their skins challenging the hypocrisy of their religious leadership from a historical context. Perhaps this is where St. Teresa, upon praying with Scripture, got her courage to speak out during the Reformation and Counter Reformation of her time! Not the best time in history with the Spanish Inquisition in full force! “Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge.” Wow! Where might we find the foundation for our courage to speak out to both civil and religious authority. These times when there is clearly a need to point out hypocrisy, and to restore balance, harmony, justice, Peace, the foundation of a country, or the Gospel truth may be something to consider. “The Lord has made His Salvation known.” It is ours to live up to it! Or will it be WOE TO US? Let us pray again these words of St. Teresa with confidence to obtain courage and peace of soul, that our God, in Christ Jesus, together with the Holy Spirit, is with us.
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