October 21, 2019
by Larry Hopp
Creighton University's Energy Technology Program, retired
click here for photo and information about the writer

Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 473

Romans 4:20-25
Luke 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75
Luke 12:13-21

Praying Ordinary Time

What really is true faith? In today’s readings we are provided with an incredible story about what true faith looks like and then a reminder of how to live our lives through a true, enduring faith. 

An initial overview of Abraham’s story points to the sacrifice of God’s one and only son. But there is certainly another incredible message in the account, a message of true faith.   This is a story filled with details which together create a powerful picture of unbelievable faith.
We see in Abraham a typical man who made many mistakes in his life.  From his denial to the Pharaoh that Sarah was his wife to his ongoing problems with Lot, Abraham experienced many failures of judgement.  Failures that could be viewed as lapses in faith, times when he failed to put his trust completely in God’s plan for his life. 

God, however, had promised Abraham that “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you”  and further that “all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you!”    Perhaps believing that promise was Abraham’s greatest faith test of all.  That promise would require offspring, children to populate a great nation.  The problem, however, was that Abraham & Sarah had no children.  Once again Abraham failed to trust God as he elected to take things into his own hands with Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant, Hagar.  And yet, our ever patient God responded by reinforcing His promise to make Abraham the father of many nations.  Abraham was 99 and Sarah was 90, yet the impossible happened and Sarah bore them a son, Isaac.  Abraham & Sarah were over-joyed and thanked God for this incredible blessing.  Through his first hundred years of life, it made no sense of how he could possibly be the father of anything, since he had no son.  How could God’s promise possibly be fulfilled?  Only after he was miraculously given a son, did things finally start to make sense.  But then the real faith test came. God made a totally earth shattering request:  “Take your young son, Isaac and sacrifice him.”  Unbelievable ! !  Yet amazingly, this time Abraham came through with an unshakable faith.  He trusted God completely and headed out to sacrifice his only son. 

This story certainly paints a picture for us of what true faith really looks like, and perhaps more importantly that we can seek such amazing faith even though we have experienced periodic faith lapses or even outright failures in our faith walk.  Even when life doesn’t make sense, we can know that our patient God will never leave us nor forsake us.  The Responsorial Psalm taken from Luke further reinforces this incredible fact.

And then we turn to today’s Gospel message about living a life through a lens of true faith in Christ.  Jesus tells us the parable of the rich man who stored up his bountiful crops, thinking “things” were what really mattered in life.  Jesus, however, points out the fallacy of that concept.  For God is in complete control of every aspect of our lives.  How could it possibly make sense to put our faith in anything but God.   True faith means trusting in Him completely, even when things make no sense at all.

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive my wavering faith, the many times I rely on my understanding of the world and my place in it instead of anchoring my thoughts on You.  Help me to invest all my energy into trusting you.  Give me the faith of Abraham as he placed his son on the sacrificial alter.   Thank you for your eternal patience and love in my ongoing struggle to faithfully follow you.    In the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

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