November 28, 2024
by Andy Alexander, S.J.
Creighton University's Online Ministries
click here for photo and information about the writer

Thursday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 506

Revelation 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9
PsalmsĀ 100:1B-2, 3, 4, 5
Luke 21:20-28

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Preparing for Advent

When I encounter these apocalyptic prophesies from the Book of Revelation and from Jesus, offered for our reflection in the last week of the Church year, I try to open my heart to hear what the Word is offering me for today.

I usually begin by slowing down and getting quiet inside. I quickly re-discover it isn't easy to arrive at that peaceful place inside. I become aware of the movements within me and around me. There's lots of turmoil and anxiety; fear and conflict; hopelessness and violence. Even the planet itself cries out for mercy. There's very little joy, hope or peace.

It is into this place this weekthat we are invited to translate this Word into a message of hope and a preparation for the movements of Advent, just a few days away. What we are experiencing is not the end of the story. The forces of darkness and sin will not prevail.The ultimate victory belongs to our God. Jesus is with us. We can dare to reach out for his grace to continue our mission of loving and serving one another and the least of or brothers and sisters.

In the end, our reflection moves us to move into Advent with deeper desire, praying, "Come, Lord, Jesus, Come!"

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