December 4, 2024
by Tamorah Whitney
Creighton University's English Department
click here for photo and information about the writer

Wednesday of the First Week of Advent
Lectionary: 177

Isaiah 25:6-10a
Psalms 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6
Matthew 15:29-37

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Today’s readings are all about how God will provide. In Isaiah, the Lord of Hosts is providing a feast for all people, who will be saved and satisfied. The Psalm is the most famous one:  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. The Lord will provide salvation and satisfaction. There is food and water and protection. The culmination is in the Gospel where Jesus spends days healing the sick and infirm, then realizes it is late and the people must be hungry. He takes a few fish and seven loaves of bread, and passes the food around for the great crowd to share. This seems improbable since there are so many people, and not nearly enough food. But it was a miracle. They all ate and were satisfied. In fact, there was more food leftover than they started with. There were over seven baskets full leftover. The Lord provides. All the people in Isaiah come to the feast and are saved. The Psalm promises security and satisfaction. In the Gospel Jesus heals the sick and feeds the hungry.
Our charge as Christians is to follow Jesus’ lead. We are charged to heal the sick and feed the hungry. I wish that was the case. I wrote last month in my reflection about how we should choose love instead of hate. I wish that was the case. I am so sad that the choice made was to not heal the sick, to not feed the hungry, and to hate instead of love. I wish that was not the case.

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