Daily Reflection December 30, 2024 |
The Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas |
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Today's gospel reading focuses on the prophetess Anna as she blesses Mary's baby. She is the female counterpart to Simeon, continuing the Old Testament tradition of women as prophets, and she foreshadows the role of female prophets in the early church. How might this wise woman, who has never held her own child, have blessed the Holy Family? As the dream began to fade, Anna awoke. God, this is the third night you have given me this vision, holding a child in my arms, a baby boy surrounded by light. What does this mean? My husband died, leaving me childless. I am too old to bear children, even if I was not a prophetess living in the temple. What are you telling me, God? Anna, a pious woman, was accustomed to messages from God. She had learned to listen and trust that in His time, God would reveal the purpose of her dreams. Anna finished her morning prayers, ate a simple breakfast, and proceeded to the temple to spend her day in prayer. Passing through the outer courtyard, she notices families purchasing doves to sacrifice for the redemption of their first-born sons. Anna continued her conversation with God: Will a special child be presented today? You have blessed my life, sheltering me in your house. Providing my daily bread and granting me the gift of prophecy so that I might serve your people. I have no complaints, but today, I notice the old emptiness in my heart, and my longing for a child is very strong. Climbing the stairs, she felt the old sadness creeping into her being and wondered about the dream's meaning. Entering the temple, Anna noticed the prophet Simeon holding up a child as he loudly proclaimed, Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace (Lk 2:29). She stood at a distance, waiting for Simeon to finish blessing the child and handing him back to his mother. Anna yearned to hold the little boy, and Mary seemed more than willing to give her son to the prophetess. Cuddling Jesus in her arms, Anna knew this was the child in her vision as the light surrounding him filled the emptiness within her. God, this is not my son, but he feels like he is mine. No, Anna, my beloved daughter, he is much more than that. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Anna understood she was holding God's hope for the world. As she handed the baby back to Mary, she said, God has blessed you with a son who will comfort those who suffer. His light will fill their emptiness with God's love, for he is the light of the world. In a voice heard throughout the temple, Anna joyfully shouted, Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Ps 96:11 |
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