August 10, 2024
Nancy Shirley
Creighton University's College of Nursing
click here for photo and information about the writer

Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
Lectionary: 618

2 Corinthians 9:6-10
Psalms 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9
John 12:24-26

Praying Ordinary Time

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

Rediscovering Corporal Works of Mercy

Today’s readings focused my thoughts on dying as a cycle of life.  St Lawrence certainly faced death with a bravado that I would ascribe to deep faith – an unwavering belief that this is not the end rather the beginning.  It is said that as he lay roasting on the fire, he quipped to his tormentors, something like, I’m done on this side, turn me over.  It’s no wonder that he is the patron saint of comedians as well as firefighters. Faith and death are impeccably connected – at least for me I need this connection to face life.

August 8 marked 63rd anniversary of death of my brother (ironically named Lawrence) at the age of 20, it was clearly on my mind as I did these readings about dying.  I recall what may be considered a random act of faith before he entered the military (so about a year before he died) when he went to a Shrine (Our Lady of La Salette) and climbed the steps to Mary on his knees.  It seemed uncharacteristic of him at the time and I often have wondered what motivated him.  I remarked about this once to a close relative and the rather cynical response was What good did it do him, he died!  Apparently, the belief is if you pray, you won’t die!!!  Rather we may need to recognize that only with faith and pray cn we face the death of our mortal being.  Maybe, just maybe, his action provided some new-found faith for him that brought him closer to Jesus.  Maybe, just maybe, in the seconds of his accident when he died, he found comfort in the arms of Mary and Jesus.  I truly believe it made a difference. . .

Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.

One of these faith stories that filled my heart a couple of years ago also involved the death of a very young man – a death that produced much fruit.  It was a tragic sudden death that left a father heart-broken yet because the young man was at a Jesuit university, he (the father) found himself surrounded by Jesuits who provided great comfort.  Not unlike St. Ignatius who we just celebrated at the end of last month, this father found transformation through the tragedy and his life has taken on new meaning and direction.  The young man was an organ donor, and his lungs gave renewed life to a man who then generously donated money for a home by a large medical center that would support families in their struggles and named the home in honor of this young man.  [as aside, there is a book, All My Tomorrows: A Story of Tragedy, Transplant, and Hope that was also the basis for a Netflix movie, 2 Hearts].  The father left a great paying job to return to college completing a Masters in Theology and teaches that at a Jesuit high school for young men. Thus, the domino effect of all the good that emerged from the tragedy is ongoing to this day.  FAITH is alive and well as the legacy lives on. The seed that died produced and continues to produce abundant fruit through many other lives saved, families finding refuge, young men being mentored in faith and a book and movie touching MILLIONS of lives. Amazing!!

We will not ever be free from tragedy and hurt while we walk this earth, but we will never have to face that hurt alone.  We are always in the arms of our Father and comforted by our loving Mother and the numerous angels on earth.  The ordinary people who cross our lives, share their stories, listen to ours, and together our lives are changed forever . . .

Chris Tomlin says it so well . . .

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