August 17, 2024
Vivian Amu
Creighton University Doctoral Student
click here for photo and information about the writer

Saturday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 418

Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32
Psalms 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19
Matthew 19:13-15

Praying Ordinary Time

An invitation to make the Online Retreat

Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer

An Even Better Marriage

The readings today prompted me to think about my attitude towards God, self, and others. I suddenly wondered if there were times when I unintentionally hindered or prevented anyone’s approach towards God by my words, deeds, or actions. I wondered if, in an effort to protect my prayer life, I pushed out other children of God or prevented an encounter with God in some way unknown.

In today’s gospel, the disciples took it upon themselves to triage who gets access to Jesus. Some might say they were only trying to protect Jesus, while others might say they were drawing a line between who is in and who is out of their group and their relationship. Regardless of the way we read into the actions of the disciples, one thing is clear, we are protective of the people and things we hold dear. We protect our relationships with people we care about, and even sometimes get in their way. We are protective of our relationship with God, and sometimes do not do enough to invite others in to pray for us and with us.

In the gospel, Jesus highlights the children, not just as a symbol of innocence and humility, but as models of openness to God. No matter how far we have strayed, God is ready to give us a fresh start so we may live more fully and learn to invite others in. The readings give us the assurance today that God takes no pleasure in our death, sin, or suffering. God does not take pleasure in turning anyone away, regardless of who we are or what we have done. However, the readings make clear that even though we will not be turned away by God, each of us is personally responsible for our words, deeds, and actions. Be mindful of your ways. We are each measured according to our ways. Return to God and live.

Today’s readings also make clear that we all have value in God’s eyes, and all are invited into the kingdom of God. All those who come to the lord with a sincere heart, humility, and trust will receive the healing and blessings they seek from God. “For all lives are mine,” says the Lord. Return to God and live.
Lord, help us renew our hearts and spirits and return to you so we may live.

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