September 25, 2024
Kimberly Grassmeyer
Creighton University's Interdisciplinary Leadership College
click here for photo and information about the writer

Wednesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 451

Proverbs 30:5-9
Psalms 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163
Luke 9:1-6

Praying Ordinary Time

Judging Others? Or Ourselves?

I’ve often wondered at the faith, the devotion, of Christ’s Disciples.  It would be one thing to accompany him as he engaged the stranger, healed the sick, taught the multitudes, worked miracles. Wow.  Watching Jesus BE Jesus, in wonder at his very presence, sharing in his aura - much of it must have been pretty heady stuff; they had to have felt special (in addition to having been chosen!).  

It would have been another thing altogether to tolerate the critics, and to remain faithful, remain devoted, after Jesus was persecuted and put to his death on the cross. Today’s Gospel lesson - Luke 9:1-6 - tells that these faithful followers were asked by Jesus to carry on his work: to go forth to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and heal the sick.  They were apparently not to fear having been acquainted with the man who had been singled out for ridicule, torture and death; rather, they were to claim Christ, proclaim Christ, and continue the work of Christ.  

I had the good fortune last year to travel to the Greece; while there I visited a site on the Aegean Island of Patmos named The Holy Cave of the Apocalypse. This holy place is reported to be where the Apostle John had been exiled following Christ’s death, and where he wrote (recorded?) the Book of Revelations. My brief time there challenged me to reflect on the ways in which I experience Christ and live out his teachings; today’s reading returned me to that place and those reflections.  Do I willingly and with joy spread God's word?  Do I give what I can to heal the hunger, sickness, or broken spirits of others?  How do I carry on, generations and centuries later and in my own small way, Jesus’ request of his closest and most trusted followers? Am I worthy to call myself Christian when I fall short?

Today I pray for each of us to have a faith that is strong enough to burn within us the desire to fulfill this simple call: to claim Christ in our lives and to heal others.  We can actualize the call by telling his story and giving freely of ourselves to others who need our light and our love. Amen.

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