Daily Reflection November 29, 2024 |
Preparing Children for Advent |
I could probably talk all day long about the number of changes in my life over the last year. Some of them in my control, many of them not. There is constant societal discourse about the “unprecedented times” we are in, and I often find myself wondering when those “unprecedented times” will just go away. When I catch up with old friends or new, shock at current events is a frequent topic. What can a person do when faced with so many unknowns, and the anxiety that comes with them? While today’s reading and gospel are quite apocalyptic, I wanted to focus on one small line that stood out to me because it was a little more hopeful: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” What did I find in this line? Something constant in a world of chaos: the Word of God. Jesus wants us to cling to that, and to Him, in these “unprecedented times.” Another quote that comes to mind is from the Lord of the Rings, “ ‘I wish it need not have happened in my time’ said Frodo. ‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.’ ” This is a peaceful idea to me as well. In a world where you can control little that happens to or around you, you can control your response. I brought these quotes together to say that when faced with biblical apocalypse or “unprecedented times” Christ is the hope we can cling to. This is especially pertinent as we approach Advent, where we will prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ and all the hope that He represents for the world. This state of mind is easier on paper than it is in practice. I can tell myself to follow Christ’s example and to believe in the hope He represents. It is simple to say that I will lay my anxiety at His feet, but oh how difficult it is in practice. Every day I fight to pray and place my trust in God and His word. I know there are those who find this easy, and to them I say I am happy for their good fortune. To me, this is something I must work for every day. In closing, I would like to pray for all those who feel like Frodo in the above quote. That we may remain steadfast in the fight to lay our troubles at the feet of our Lord, and do our best each and every day to embody the hope Christ represents and let it be shown in our world. |
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