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in Omaha, Nebraska since 1878
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Daily Reflections

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Online Retreat -
In other languages!


Portuguese Um retiro online em Português
de 34 semanas na Vida Cotidiana.
Diga aos amigos em Portugal, Brasil, Moçambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e São Tomé e Príncipe,
Timor Leste.

Arabic: Online Retreat
رحلة مع الرب, رياضة إغناطيّة في الحياة. 
تمتد إلى 34 أسبوعًا. الآن باللغة العربيّة.

Chinese: 一個網上避靜(退修)的旅程

Kiswahili: - Mafungo Ya Kiroho Kupitia Mtandao

Spanish: Retiro “Online”

Russian:Духовные упражнении

Audio Retreats
15 Different Weekend Retreats-

Pope Francis Page

Synod of Bishops on the Family

Stations of the Cross
Via Crucis: Las estaciones
de la cruz en español

Spirituality Links
Best of Student Daily Reflections

Resources for Grieving
Practical Spirituality

Spirituality Presentations
Praying with Imaginations

Praying Advent 2024

Celebrating Christmas, 2023-2024
Praying Lent
Celebrating Easter

Praying Ordinary Time

Reading Groups Web Sites
Celebrating Christmas
Praying with Alzheimer's

Prayers for Fathers and Husbands
Prayers by and for Mothers

El Salvador Martyrs
Justice Links
Primary Documents
The Death Penalty
Standing for the Unborn

Fr. Kolvenbach's talk on Partnership


Characteristics of Ignatian Education

The Decrees of the
35th General Congregation
of the Society of Jesus

Year of Faith Resources

Support us

Pope Francis' Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti
- "On Fraternity and Social Friendship."

Watch Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboys Industries and author of Tattoos on the Heart, who spoke at Creighton to begin our Mission Week last year. At this link. Here is the text of his talk.

CHRIST IS ALIVE ! A Synthesis of Pope Francis's Apostolic Exhortation after the Synod on the Youth - a link to the full document.

Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation
Rejoice and Be Glad: On Holiness in Today's World

Cardinal Cupich: Pope Francis’ Revolution of Mercy: Amoris Laetitia as a New Paradigm of Catholicity

Read the Encyclical Laudato Si'
On the Care of our Common Home
and commentary to help understand it

Laudato Si' Week Resources and the Action Platform

Cardinal Cupich of Chicago on the Signs of the Times. His Pro-Life Rally talk: Witnessing to a Consistent Ethic of Solidarity. Wonderful to read and share.

Pope Francis' first TED talk:
"Why the only future worth building includes everyone."

"Amoris Laetitia" -
"The Joy of Love: On Love in the Family."

Read the complete text.
Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, following the Synod on the Family.
See our site for information on the Press Conference and commentary, including a Vatican summary.

Fr. Larry Gillick, S.J. reading the poetry of
Gerard Manley Hopkins in the Ignatian Spirituality Context

Fr. Luis Rodriguez, S.J. An Eight Day Retreat: Based on Scripture and Echoing an Ignatian Dynamic

Forgiveness by Fr. Luis Rodriguez, S.J.

Fr. Chas Kestermeier, S.J. - periodic bulletin reflections for a parish in Singapore.

A Preached 30-day Retreat text.
Given by Fr. John Sheets, S.J.

A Parish Retreat on
"The Spirituality of Pope Francis"

Preparatory Document for the next Synod of Bishops (October 2018) on "Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment," including a survey.

An Interview with Andy Alexander, S.J. in AMERICA Magazine about Creighton's Online Ministries.

Pope Francis issued Apostolic Letter
at the end of the Year of Mercy

Read this beautiful letter, renewing our sense of Mercy for our time today. Share the link on Facebook and email it to friends.

"The Jubilee now ends and the Holy Door is closed. But the door of mercy of our heart continues to remain wide open." #16

Also, a wonderful interview with Pope Francis.

And, the text of Francis' Q&A with the Jesuits at the General Congregation.

U.S. Bishops issue a pastoral on pornography:
"Create a Clean Heart in Me:
A Pastoral Response to Pornography."

Read the Encyclical
On the Care of our Common Home
and commentary to help understand it

Making an icon for your mobile device for any of the Online Ministries sites

Let us know
what you've found helpful!

Write a friend about
Creighton's Online Ministries.

Share your experience and
the graces you received.

Email this page FacebookTwitter

Try a single page resource each week.
In just minutes a week,
we focus our lives on the readings.

The Online Retreat
is a way to give focus to a busy life.
Make the retreat alone,
with a friend, or spouse, in a group
or with a spiritual director.

It is easy.
All we do is let the material for the retreat each week just rest in the background of our daily consciousness and interact with our daily, busy life.

Give it a try. You won't regret it.

Just read or listen to the first week and let it draw you in.
Read the Feedback from those who made the retreat.

Take a look and plan to begin the retreat with people around the world.
For more information.

The book version of the Online Retreat is now out of print.
There are easy to print PDF versions of each week of the retreat to print or email to members of a group making the retreat.

See the magazine:
Conversations in
Jesuit Higher Education

the issue on:
The Spiritual Exercises
as a foundation
for Jesuit Higher Education

See Maureen Waldron's article:
"The Online Retreat:
Ignatius Could Not Have Imagined, Nor Did We"

Praying with our Imaginations

We offer Ignatian style contemplations on a number of Gospel scenses as examples of praying with our imaginations.

See our collection of
Spirituality Presentations
presented at Creighton University.

Our Site Map:
Check out all the resources available

It's the perfect time of year to use our At Home Audio Retreats. Download one of 15 retreats offered at Jesuit Retreat Houses in the US, and taped for the Creighton's Online Ministries.

The retreats range from 14 talks to 6 or 8 talks. Use them in a way that fits your schedule: for a retreat at home, in your car or on your MP3 player or Smartphone.

Fr. Larry Gillick, S.J. - 11 Different Retreats
Fr. Tom Shanahan, S.J.
Fr. Don Driscoll, S.J.
Fr. Daniel Hendrickson, S. J.
Fr. Kevin Kersten, S. J.

Fr. Jim Kubicki, S.J.

Fr. Rob Kroll, S.J.
Fr. Kevin Schneider, S.J.
Fr. Dennis Hamm,S.J.

Send us an e-mail   - or email us at alexa@creighton.edu

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