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A Jesuit Catholic University
in Omaha, Nebraska since 1878
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A Comprehensive list of links for the Online Ministries web site

The Online Ministries Home Page

Daily Reflections

Prayer Resources
Weekly Guide to Daily Prayer

Praying with Imagination

How to pray with Imagination

Ignatian Contemplations:
Jesus, my friend in Capernaum
Holy Saturday with the Mother of James & John
Contemplating with Joseph

The Assumption of Mary
The Healing of a Leper
Contemplating the Visitation with Zechariah
The Annunciation
The Baptism of Jesus
The Wedding Feast of Cana

The Call of Matthew
"Herod wants to kill you."
"Elizabeth Remembers"
Praying with Jesus in the womb
Peter remembers his call from Jesus
John and Mary remember the choosing of the 12

Resources for Grieving

"Seeking God When We Seem Lost in Grief" audio talk
Other Resources online for Grieving
Resources/Handouts for those in Grief and those supporting them
Helping Yourself Through Grief
Grieving During the Holidays
Avoiding the Cliches of Grief
Ways To Support Those Who Are Grieving
Care For The Caretaker
How to Help Those in Grief

Prayers for grieving:
Prayer For the Death of a Grandchild & A Faith Community Coping With Tradgedy
Mothers' Prayers- Prayers for and by Mothers
Fathers' Prayers- Prayers for Fathers and Husbands
Prayer: Preparing for Christmas after a loss & Prayer for Celebrating Christmas After the Loss of a Loved One

Practical Spirituality:

Spirituality Resources
30 Day Retreat with Fr. John Sheets, S.J.
Finding Intimacy with God in everyday life
Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer
Prayer as Relationship
To Whom Do I Pray?
Using Ritual Every Day
Praying in Times of Crisis
U.S. Bishops Pastoral Response to Pornography

Daily Reflections Archive Database
Student Daily Reflection Archive

Stations of the Cross
Spirituality Presentations
El Salvador Martyrs
Spirituality Links
Justice Links
Primary Documents
The Death Penalty

Praying with someone who has Alzheimer's Disease

My Mother's Suscipe: An Alzheimer's Story
How to Pray with Alzheimer's
Praying with My Mother
Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary for Alzheimer's Patients
Sharing Page
The Sacred Silence

Audio Retreats

Don Driscoll, S.J.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Larry Gillick, S.J.
Lenten Retreat (2009)
Lenten Retreat (2007)
Lenten Retreat (2008)

Weekend Retreat (2009)
Weekend Retreat (2003)

Weekend Retreat (2016)

Advent, 2013

Advent, 2012

Advent, 2005

Advent, 2006

Dennis Hamm, S J.
Weekend Retreat

Rob Kroll, S.J.
Weekend Retreat

Kevin Schneider, S.J.
Weekend Retreat

Tom Shanahan, S.J.
Weekend Retreat

Daniel Hendrickson, S.J.
Weekend Retreat

Kein Kersten, S.J.
Weekend Retreat

Jim Kubicki S.J.
Weekend Retreat

Online Reading Groups

Paul Coutinho, S.J.:
How Big is Your God?

Gary Smith:
Radical Compassion

Gary Smith:
They Come Back Singing

Jane Knuth:
Thrift Store Saints

Spirituality Presentations

Whispers From the Streets
- Damian Torres-Botello,nSJ and Jeremy M. Lillig

Ahead of Their Time: The Story of the Omaha DePorres Club
- Matt Holland

Mercy in the City:
- Kerry Weber

A Reflection on the Passion of Christ from a Physician and Believer
- Dr. Gerard J. Stanley, Sr. M.D.

125 Years of Jesuit Lay Partnership in Omaha
- Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.

Eloquence in Jesuit Education
-Creighton Faculty

How Can Lent Help Us?
-Mariana Miller

Province Days of the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus Spirituality
- Fr. Janos Lukacs, S.J., Sr. Marian Cowan, CSJ, and Fr. Hector D'Sousa, S.J.

"Pacem in Terris at 50: Catholics and Human Rights in the 21st Century"
-David Hollenbach, S.J. November 14, 2013

Historical Patterns in the American Immigration Debate
-Dr. Heather Fryer November 12, 2013

On the Camino in Lent
-Margaret Hoarty

“My Journey as Priest & Photographer”
Fr.Don Doll, S.J. October 10, 2012

Effective self-leadership in a complex world: practical insights from Ignatius of Loyola
- Chris Lowney, January 21, 2010

Ignatius, Jesus, and Aesop: A three part talk
- Larry Gillick, S.J. and Greg Carlson, S.J.

Lent: "Its about who we are"
- Dr. Robert Heaney, M.D.

A talk on Shame
-Larry Gillick, S.J.

2009 Commencement Address
-Greg Boyle, S.J.

"Amazing People"
Fr. Gary Smith, S.J.'s Presentation at Creighton

Ignatian Humanism: A Dynamic Spirituality for the 21st Century
- Ron Modras, Professor of Theology, St. Louis University, March 21, 2006

"Finding God, with the Poor, in our Poverty: The Two Standards and Our Culture Today"
- Greg Boyle, S.J., 2002

"A Way of Hope for Our Times: The Two Standards and Our World Today"
- Peter Byrne, S.J. and Marilyn Kirvin-Quamme, 2001

How Big Is Your God?
-Paul Coutinho

"Seeking God When We Seem Lost in Grief"
-Mary Ann Vail

The Story of Faithful Citizenship: History, Context, Directions, and Dangers
- John Carr

Service and Justice Trips Stories
- Nine Creighton University Students

Magis Productions

Other Creighton Talks

Tim Russert's Commencement Address, 2006

Faculty Conversations: Eloquence in Jesuit Education

Peter Henriot, S.J.- Why is Africa Important at this time?

Fr. Rick Curry, S.J.- Cardoner at Creighton

Seasonal Prayers
Praying Advent

Advent Site Index
Preparing for Advent
Beginning Advent

Why is it so difficult to enter into Advent?
Am I too Defended for Advent?
An Advent Mission in Two Nights
Elizabeth Remembers
Praying with Jesus in the Womb
A Parent Reflects on Joseph and Mary
Dinner Prayers for the First Part of Advent
Dinner Prayers for the Second Part of Advent
Doing Service in Advent
Experiencing Advent Deeply for Busy People
Holding Hands with God: Pondering Isaiah
Praying Advent as Parents
Praying with Isaiah during Lent
How Holy Can my Family Be?
A Family Christmas Guide for Newlyweds and Beyond
Reflecting on Violence at this Time of Year
Advent While Caring for our Parents
1st Week of Advent

2nd Week of Advent

3rd Week of Advent

4th Week of Advent
Guide to Daily Advent Prayer
Advent Daily Prayers, Home Page
Audio Retreat, 2005, Fr. Larry Gillick, S.J.
Audio Retreat, 2006, Fr. Larry Gillick, S.J.
The Two Parts of Advent
The Three Comings of Jesus
Advent Prayers
Preparing Children for Advent
Reconciliation and Healing
Learning Perseverance in Difficult Times
Praying for Peace with Elizabeth and Mary
Desiring Patient Fidelity 
One Prayer a Day for Advent
The Annunciation
Advent Novena
Advent Meditations by Fr. McNichols, S.J.

Oraciones de adviento en español
Part I: A Joy Ever New, A Joy Which is Shared
Part II: The Delightful and Comforting Joy of Evangelizing
Part III: The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Faith
Part IV: Chapter One:
The Church's Missionary Transformation
Part One: A Church Which Goes Forth

Advent Videos and Talks
The Season of Waiting: Our God Who is Waiting for Us
First Advent Homily by Papal Preacher Fr. Cantalamessa
Second Advent Homily by Papal Preacher
Third Advent Homily by Papal Preacher
Brief Audio Reflections for Advent
Reflecting on Advent: Jim Clifton, S.J.
The Spirituality of Pope Francis
An Advent Day of Recollection

Brief Audio Reflections for Advent

Advent Contemplations:
Contemplating With Joseph
Contemplating the Annunciation
Contemplating The Visitation

Permissions to Copy from this Site
Announcing our Advent Resources
Free Bulletin Inserts

Praying Christmas

Christmas Prayers
Celebrating Christmas
A Reflection on the Manger
Celebrating Christmas Alone
Letting Christmas Become a Season
How Holy Can My Family Be?

Praying with the Aftermath of Christmas

Celebrating Christmas
Christmas Day
The Christmas Proclamation
Pope Benedict XVI's Christmas Homily
Christmas Week
Second Week of Christmas
Third Week of Christmas
Annual Epiphany Proclamation
Christmas Desires Page
A Reflection on the Manger
Celebrating Christmas Alone
Letting Christmas Become a Season
How Holy can my Family be?
Praying with the Aftermath of Christmas
Making New Year's Resolutions

Praying Lent

Lent Site Index

Pope Francis' 2017 Lenten Message
Pope Francis' 2016 Lenten Message
Pope Francis: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving
Pope Francis' 2015 Lent Message
Make an Online Retreat During Lent
Praying Lent - Daily Prayers for the 6 weeks of Lent

Lenten Audio Conversations
Preparing for Lent - Transcript
First Four Days of Lent - Transcript
First Week of Lent - Transcript
Second Week of Lent - Transcript
Third Week of Lent - Transcript
Fourth Week of Lent - Transcript
Fifth Week of Lent - Transcript
1st Four Days of Holy Week - Transcript
The Triduum - Transcript

Parish Lenten Resources
Beyond Giving up Chocolate: A Deeper Lent
Reconciliation and Healing
Returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Lent for the Older Brother/Sister of the Prodigal Son/Daughter
Helping Little Children With Lent
Online Stations of the Cross
Preparing for Lent
Lenten Audio Retreat by Dr. Robert Heaney, M.D. - "Its about who we are"
A Contemplation on The Woman At the Well
A Contemplation of the Man Born Blind
A Contemplation on the Raising of Lazarus
Lent As: Hearing the Cry of the Poor
Praying Lent Book

Choosing Lent - Acting Lent
Symbols in our Home
Our Service For and With the Poor
Spring Cleaning for Freedom
Family Conversion - Relationship Conversion

Realigning my Priorities
Family Prayer
Almsgiving at Home - Operation Rice Bowl

The First Four Days
The First Week of Lent
The Second Week of Lent
The Third Week of Lent
The Fourth Week of Lent
The Fifth Week of Lent
The Midpoint of Lent
Praying the Gospels of Weeks 3, 4, 5
Understanding the Scrutinies
Online Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross with Mary
Looking at Marriage in Lent

Cooking Lent
Vegetable Broth and White Sauce
Two Stews
Fish Soup and Crab Cakes
More Meatless Meals

A Time for Healing and Hope - I
A Time for Healing and Hope - II
Holy Week: The First Four Days
Holy Week: The Sacred Triduum
Preparing for Holy Thursday
Preparing for Good Friday
Preparing for Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday Contemplation

Praying Lent Book

Church Bulletin Inserts
Printable Two-sided Handouts about Lent
What Can I do Before Lent Begins?
Beginning my Lenten Patterns
The Invitation
Realigning my Priorities
Helping Little Children With Lent
The Gospels of Weeks 3,4,5
The Midpoint of Lent
Reconcilliation and Healing
Preparing for Holy Thursday
Preparing for Good Friday
Preparing for Easter Vigil
Printable Stations of the Cross
A Four Page Handout of the Stations

Stations Booklet that Prints on 11X17 Sheet
Stations Booklet that prints on two 8.5X11 Sheets

Celebrating Easter

Preparing for the Easter Vigil
The Easter Vigil Readings
The Easter Vigil Prayers
Easter Proclamation - the Exultet
The Blessing of Water
Renewing our Baptismal Promises
Celebrating Easter Week
Our Hope for Everlasting Life

Easter Joy for Everyday Life
Letting Myself be Reborn
The Servant Girl at Emmaus
Don't Work for Food that Perishes
Feeling our Hearts Burn with Hope
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

Praying Ordinary Time

Beginning Again: Talking with God
Praying in Ordinary Time Before Lent
Rediscovering the Corporal Works of Mercy
A Matter of Heart: Prayer as Relationship
A Renewed Personal Encounter with Jesus
Finding Our Way Back Home: Getting Unstuck in our Prayer Life
Praying as we Age
How Ordinary Times Readings are Organized
What if I have Trouble Getting Better?
Gather us in: Pondering the Upcoming Synod on Family and Church
Judging Others? Or Ourselves?
How do I Prepare for Mass on Sunday?
Understanding the Mass
Praying the Psalms
Praying the Rosary as Pope John Paul II Suggested
An Even Better Marriage
Ordinary Time Symbols in our Home
Parenting our Adult Children
Enjoying Vacation Time

The 34 Week Online Retreat for Busy People

Online Retreat Home Page
Maureen's Online Retreat Article
How Do I Get Started Making This Retreat?
FAQ's: How to Make This Retreat
Helps to Make This Retreat On Your Own.
Helps for a group making this retreat
Make the Retreat with the Liturgical Calendar
Audio Guides for the Online Retreat
Printed Guides for your PDA or Palm
Read the Latest Sharing

Retreat Feedback
Guides for Weeks 1-9
Guides for Weeks 10-18
Guides for Weeks 19-26
Guides for Weeks 27-34

Retiro "Online" (Online Retreat in Spanish)
Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross)
Russian: Духовные упражнении - (Online Retreat in Russian)
Online Retreat In Japanese

Online Retreat in Traditional and Simplified Chinese
Swedish: En onlineretätt via datorn-(Online Retreat in Swedish)
mafungo ya kiroho kupitia mtandao-(Online Retreat in Kiswahili)

Arabic: Online Retreat

Social Justice/Martyrs

El Salvador Martyrs
Death Penalty
Standing for the Unborn
Primary Documents: The Promotion of Justice

Justice Links

Pope Francis

Pope Francis Page
A Parish Retreat on Spirituality of Pope Francis
The Jubilee Year of Mercy
Pope Francis visits the US|
Pope Francis visits Africa
The Synod on the Family
Final Report of the Synod on the Family (official English Translation)

Year of Faith
How to Share Your Faith Here
Read Faith Sharing
Year of Faith Resources
Vatican II Resources
Catechism Resources
A Year of Faith Prayer
Online Ministries Year of Faith Guide

Encyclical Page - On the Care of our Common Home
Preparing to Read the Encyclical
Introduction to the Encyclical
Vatican's Official Translation of Encyclical
Printer Friendly Version
Guide for Reading the Encyclical
Vatican Overview of the Encyclical
Orthodox Metropolitan John's Presentation on Encyclical
Buisness Perspective from Carolyn Woo
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber's Presentation
Order a Copy of Encyclical from U.S. Bishops
Praying, as individuals or family, for the Care of Creation
Video - "On God's Care for Creation"
Bulletin Insert
"Change for the Planet - Care for the People" Press Conference
United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change
The Encyclical and Children
UN on Encyclical
"Humanity has been a poor steward of the environment"
Video - "Ten Things to Know about Laudato Si"
Catholic Climate Movement handout
Laudato Si Joins the Tradition of Catholic Social Teaching
Practical Tips

Jesuit Resources

Standing for the Unborn
2006 Wisconsin Province Days at Creighton

William Byron, S.J.'s Baccalaureate Homily, 2005
Characteristics of Ignatian Education
Fr. John Schlegel, S.J. Tribute

Becoming a Jesuit
Jesuit World Web
U.S. Jesuit Resources


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Student Weekly Reflections
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