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Christmas Season

Daily Reflections for the Christmas season, beginning in 1998. The reflections are ordered by day and the reflection is available by clicking the writer's name.
# Indicates reflections from the most recent year which are available on the active calendar page
* Indicates no reflection available for this date

Week Name Day      Year      Writer
Christmas Eve Lectionary #200      
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Eve #200  2022  Alexander, S.J.   
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2021 Dilly  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2020 Rodriguez, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2019 Burke-Sullivan  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2018 Morse  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2017 Shea,S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2016 Waldron  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2015 Hoover  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2014 Alexander, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2013 Shanahan,S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2012 Purcell  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2011 O'Reilly  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2010 Kopensparger  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2009 Hauser, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2008 Furlong
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2007 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2006 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2005 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2004 Alexander, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2003 Laquer
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2002 Gaston
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2001 Bucko, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 2000 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Eve #200 1999 Driscoll, S.J.
Christmas Lectionary #14    
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas #14  2022  Tucci, O.S.F. 
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2021 Brock
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2020 Santos, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2019 Dilly
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2018 Waldron
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2017 Jorgensen
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2016 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2015 Waldron
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2014 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2013 Zuegner
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2012 O'Reilly
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2011 Gillick  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2010 Howard  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2009 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2008 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2007 Mahowald, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2006 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2005 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2004 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2003 Hauser, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2002 Gabuzda, Rev.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2001 Kline
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 2000 Carlson, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas #14 1999 Schuler
Holy Family Lectionary #17    
1st Week of Christmas  Holy Family #17  2022  Shirley 
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2021 Kalkowski
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2020 Schuler
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2019 Lenz
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2018 Waldron
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2017 Butterfield
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2016 Hamm, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2015 Maynard
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2014 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2013 Waldron
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2012 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2011 Zuegner  
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2010 Gillick, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2009 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2008 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2007 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2006 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2005 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2004 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2003 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2002 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2001 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 2000 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Holy Family #17 1999 Gillick, S.J.
Saint Stephen Lectionary #696    
1st Week of Christmas  Saint Stephen #696  2022  Zuegner   
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2021    Not in 2021
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2020 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2019 Whitney
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2018 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2017 Latta
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2016 Butterfield
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2015 Butterfield
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2014 Hamm, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2013 Roedlach
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2012 Hamm, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2011 Zuegner
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2009 Pedersen
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2008 Schuler
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2007 Fortina
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2006 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2005 Hauser, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2003 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2002 Foord
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2001 O'Reilly
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 2000 Bucko, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint Stephen #696 1998 Kestermeier, S.J.
St. John the Evangelist Lectionary #697    
1st Week of Christmas  Saint John the Evangelist #697  2022  Gabuzda   
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2021 Wirth  
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2020   Not in 2020
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2019 Purcell
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2018 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2017 Whitney
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2016 Carney
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2015 Maynard
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2014 Shea, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2013 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2012 Dilly
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2011 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2010 Bannantine, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2008 Callone  
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2007 O'Keefe
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2006 Furlong
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2005 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2004 Cusic
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2003 O'Reilly
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2002 Fortina
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2001 Scritchfield
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 2000 O'Keefe
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 1999 Stockhausen, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saint John the Evangelist #697 1998 Lanahan
The Holy Innocents Lectionary #698    
1st Week of Christmas  The Holy Innocents #698  2022  Grassmeyer 
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2021 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2020 Cherney
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2019 Maynard
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2018 Rodriguez, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2017 Zuegner
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2016 Maynard
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2015 Tinley
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2013 Zaborowski
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2012 O'Connor, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2011 Morse
1st Week of Chirstmas The Holy Innocents #698 2010 Shadle Cusic
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2009 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2007 Tinley
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2006 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2005 O'Keefe
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2004 Rodriguez. S.J.
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2002 Rossi
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2001 Pedersen
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 2000 Hendrickson, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas The Holy Innocents #698 1999 Foord
Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas Lectionary #202    
1st Week of Christmas  Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202  2022  Alexander, S.J. 
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2021 Kestermeier, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2020 Brock
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2019   Not in 2019
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2018 McClure
1st Week of Christams Fifth Day in the Octave of Christams #202 2017 Purcell
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2016 Coelho, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christams #202 2015 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2014 Kestermeier
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2012 Shirley
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2011 Tinley
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2010 Zuegner
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2009 Burke-Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2008 Alexander, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2007 Shirley
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2006 Kokensparger
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2005 Schuler
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2004 Doll, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2003 Rodriguez. S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2001 Super
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 2000 Hauser, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 1999 Waldron
1st Week of Christmas Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas #202 1998 Purcell
Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas Lectionary #203    
1st Week of Christmas  Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203  2022    Not in 2022
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2021 Whitney
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2020 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2019 McClure
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2018   Not in 2018
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2017 Morse
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2016 Hamm, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2015 Zaborowski
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2014 Cherney
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2013 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2011 O'Connor, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2010 Callone
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2009 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2008 Morse
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2006 O'Reilly
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2004 Schlegel, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2003 Hamm, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2002 Kuhlman
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 2000 Purcell
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 1999 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas #203 1998 Kline
Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas Lectionary #204    
1st Week of Christmas  Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas #204  2022  Crawford
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas #204 2021 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas #204 2020 Carney
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas #204 2019 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas #204 2018 Costanzo
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas #204 2016 Jorgensen
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2015 Dilly
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2014 Dilly
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2013 Rodriguez, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2012 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2011 Purcell
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2010 Gabuzda
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2009 Zuegner
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2008 Shirley
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2007 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2005 Whitney
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2004 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2003 Schuler
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2002 Pedersen
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 2001 O'Connor, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 1999 Kline
1st Week of Christmas Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas#204 1998 Gillick, S.J.
Mary, Mother of God      
1st Week of Christmas  Mary, Mother of God  2022  Rodriguez, S.J. 
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2021 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2020 Shea, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2019 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2018 Tucci, O.S.F.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2017 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2016 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2015 Hauser, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2014 Kuhlman
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2013 Rodriguez, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2012 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2011 Shanahan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2009 Sullivan
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2008 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2007 Rodriguez. S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2006 Gillick, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2005 Bucko, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2004 Alexander, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2002 Alexander, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2001 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 2000 Alexander, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Mary, Mother of God 1999 Carlson, S.J.
2nd Sunday Of Christmas Lectionary #19    
2nd Week of Christmas  2nd Sunday of Christmas #19  2022  Mattingly   
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2021 Maynard   
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2020 Alexander, S.J.  
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2019   Not in 2019
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2018   Not in 2018
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2017   Not in 2017
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2016 Latta
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2015 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2014 Hauser
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2011 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2010 Schuler
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2009 O'Connor, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2004 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas 2nd Sunday of Christmas #19 2000 Gillick, S.J.
Epiphany of the Lord Lectionary #20    
2nd Week of Christmas  Epiphany of the Lord #20  2022  Rodriguez, S.J. 
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2021 Amu
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2020 Gabuzda
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2019 Mattingly
2nd Week of Christams Epiphany of the Lord #20 2018 Hauser,S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2017 Hauser, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2016 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2015 Stegman, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2014 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2013 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2012 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2011 Burke-Sullivan
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2010 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2009 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2008 McCaslin, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2007 Schuler
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2006 Heaney
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2005 Gaston
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2004 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2003 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2002 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2001 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Epiphany of the Lord #20 2000 Shanahan, S.J.  
Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen Lectionary #205    
1st Week of Christmas  Saint Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205  2022     Not in 2022
1st Week of Christmas Saint Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2021 Samson
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2020` McMahon
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2019 Miller
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2018 Schnack
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2017 Zuegner
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2016 Brock
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2015 Cusic
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2014 Purcell
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2013 Brock
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2012 Cusic
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2010 Heaney
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2009 Schlegel, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2008 Dilly
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2007 Laquer
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2006 Dilly
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2004 Gabuzda, Rev.
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2003 O'Keefe
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2002 Fortina
1st Week of Christmas Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen #205 2001 Whitney

Christmas Weekday

Lectionary #206    
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #206  2022  Santos, S.J.   
1st Week of Chrismas Christmas Weekday #206 2021   Not in 2021
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2020 Alexander, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2019 Cherney  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2018 Quinn  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2017 Brock  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2015 Gleason  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2014 Shirley  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2013 Schuler  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2012 Gaston  
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2011 Jorgensen  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2009 Kestermeier, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2008 Egan, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2007 Reed-Bouley
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2006 Millard
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2004 O'Keefe
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2003 Bucko, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2002 Lynch, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #206 2001 Fitzgibbons, S.J.

Christmas Weekday

Lectionary #207      
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #207  2022    Not in 2022 
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207  2021     Not in 2021
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2020 Kestermeier, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2019 Maynard  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2018 Hopp  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2017 Gillick, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2016 Morse  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2014 Brock  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday # 207 2013 Reed- Bouley  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2012 Hauser, S.J.  
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2011 Cherney  
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2010 Rodlach  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2008 Hauser, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2006 Purcell
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2005 Callone
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2003 Laquer
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2002 Howard
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #207 2001 Gaston
Christmas Weekday Lectionary #208      
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #208  2022    Not in 2022 
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #208   2021    Not in 2021
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2020 Alexander, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2019 Kalkowski  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2018 Lenz  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2017 Hoover  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2016 Jorgensen  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2015 O'Reilly  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2013 Furlong  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2012 Heaney  
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2011 Alexander, S.J.  
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2010 Kokensparger  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2008 Hamm, S.J.  
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2007 Wirth
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2006 Shanahan, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2005 Cherney
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2002 Kestermeier, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #208 2001 Bannantine, S.J
Christmas Weekday Lectionary #209    
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #209  2022    Not in 2022 
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #209   2021   Not in 2021
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #209 2020   Not in 2020
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #209 2019   Not in 2019
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2018   Not in 2018
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2017 Hamm, S.J. Not direct link
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2016   Not in 2016
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2015   Not in 2015
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2014   Not in 2014
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2013`   Not in 2013
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2012 Hamm, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2007 Purcell
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #209 2001 Laquer
Christmas Weekday Lectionary #210    
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #210  2022    Not in 2022  
1st Week of Christmas  Christmas Weekday #210  2021   Not in 2021
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2020   Not in 2020
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2019   Not in 2019
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2018   Not in 2018
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2017 Cherney
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2016   Not in 2016
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2015   Not in 2015
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2014   Not in 2014
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2013   Not in 2013
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2012 Bannantine, S.J.
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2011   Not in 2011
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2010   Not in 2010
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2009   Not in 2009
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2008   Not in 2008
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2007   Not in 2007
1st Week of Christmas Christmas Weekday #210 2006 DeNeve
Epiphany Weekday Lectionary #212    
2nd Week of Christmas   Monday after Epiphany #212  2022    Not in 2022 
2nd Week of Christmas  Monday after Epiphany #212  2021 Mattingly   
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2020   Not in 2020
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2019 Mausbach
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2016 Kersten, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2015 Scholer
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2014 Shadle-Cusic
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2013 Waldron
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2011 Heaney
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2010 Kestermeier, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2009 Reed-Bouley
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2008 Whitney
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2005 Austin
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2004 Pedersen
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2003 O'Connor, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2002 Wirth
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 2000 Meeks
2nd Week of Christmas Monday after Epiphany #212 1999 Howard
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #212 1999 Gillick, S.J.
Epiphany Weekday Lectionary #213    
2nd Week of Christmas   Tuesday after Epiphany #213  2022  Alexander, S.J.     
2nd Week of Christmas  Tuesday after Epiphany #213  2021  Latta   
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2020 Butterfield
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2019 Samson
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2016 Gillick
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2015 Heaney  
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2014 Heaney
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2013 Heaney
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2010 Mahowald, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2009 Heaney
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2008 O'Reilly
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2004 Kalb, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2003 Purcell
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2002 Laquer
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 2000 Waldron
2nd Week of Christmas Tuesday after Epiphany #213 1999 Schloemer, S.J.
Epiphany Weekday Lectionary #214    
2nd Week of Christmas  Wednesday after Epiphany #214  2022  Hopp   
2nd Week of Christmas   Wednesday after Epiphany #214  2021  Alexander, S.J.   
2nd Week of Christmas Wendesday after Epiphany #214 2020 Zaborowski
2nd Week of Christmas Wendesday after Epiphany #214 2019 Tucci, OSF
2nd Week of Christmas

Wendesday after Epiphany #214

2018   Not in 2018
2nd Week of Christmas Wendesday after Epiphany #214 2017   Not in 2017
2nd Week of Christmas Wendesday after Epiphany #214 2016 Shirley
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2015 Hamm, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2014 Cherney
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2013 Kalb, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2011 Hamm, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2010 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2008 Gabuzda, Rev.
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2004 Schloemer, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany # 214 2003 Fortina
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2002 Kuhlman
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2002 O'Keefe
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 2000 Heinzen
2nd Week of Christmas Wednesday after Epiphany #214 1999 Kestermeier, S.J.
Epiphany Weekday Lectionary #215    
2nd Week of Christmas  Thursday after Epiphany #215  2022  Braddock   
2nd Week of Christmas  Thursday after Epiphany #215   2021  Zuegner  
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2020 Zuegner
2nd Week of Christmas

Thursday after Epiphany #215

2019 Gabuzda
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2016 Wirth
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2015 Zimmer
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2014 Morse
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2013 Zuegner
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2011 Fortina
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2010 Furlong
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2009 Tinley
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2008 O'Connor, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany #215 2005 Crawford
2nd Week of Christmas Thursday after Epiphany # 215 2003 Howard
Epiphany Weekday Lectionary #216    
2nd Week of Christmas  Friday after Epiphany #216  2022  Costanzo 
2nd Week of Christmas  Friday after Epiphany #216   2021 Alexander, S.J. 
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2020 Grassmeyer
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2019 Scholer
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2016 Burke-Sullivan
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2015 Carney
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2014 Whitney
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2013 Heaney
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2011 O'Connor
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2010 Wirth
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2009 Wirth
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2008 Kokensparger
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2005 Lanahan
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2004 Wirth
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2003 Schuler
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 2002 Schloemer, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany # 216 2000 Krettek, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Friday after Epiphany #216 1999 Hogan
Saturday after Epiphany Lectionary #217    
2nd Week of Christmas  Saturday after Epiphany #217  2022  Mason   
2nd Week of Christmas  Saturday after Epiphany #217   2021 Kalkowski   
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2020 Hamm, S.J.  
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2019 Waldron
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2016 Shea, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2015 McMahon
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2014 Howard
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2013 Kestermeier, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2012 Shirley
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2011 Tinley
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2010 Hamm, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2009 Whitney
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany # 217 2008 Schuler
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2005 Millard
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2004 Waldron
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2003 Shanahan, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2002 Purcell
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 2000 Kuhlman
2nd Week of Christmas Saturday after Epiphany #217 1999 Scritchfield
Baptism of the Lord Lectionary #21    
2nd Week of Christmas  Baptism of the Lord #21  2022  Chiacchere   
2nd Week of Christmas  Baptism of the Lord #21  2021  Gabuzda   
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2020 Schuler  
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2019 Brock
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2018 Waldron
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2017 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2016 Gabuzda
2nd Week of Christams Baptism of the Lord #21 2015 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2013 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2012 Burke-Sullivan
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2011 Gillick, S.J
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2010 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2009 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2008 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2007 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2006 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2005 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2004 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2003 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2002 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2001 Alexander, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 2000 Gillick, S.J.
2nd Week of Christmas Baptism of the Lord #21 1999 Wirth

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